Thursday 19 March 2015

Topic:- Healthy food 
Concept:- benefits of healthy food habits.

Every one is seen suffering with some or the other health problem now  a days, this is said to be all because of unhealthy food and over stressed life, full of work loads. Today when  every person has become a machine and is seen working 24 x 7, he at least needs to have healthy and nutritious food to keep himself healthy and cope up with today’s life running with lightening fast speed. Where unhealthy food makes you lethargic and full of diseases, on the other note; healthy food makes you energetic and keeps you away from Heart problem, increased cholesterol, blood pressure problem, diabetes and many other dangerous diseases.
Come lets have a look, how to cook and eat healthy food.

Healthy foods don’t have any long or difficult recipe, it has a simple and
easy recipe. It is made within minutes and doesn’t looses its nutrition. It consists of fresh ingredients, specially fresh and colourful vegetables, possibly with no spices and oil. It should not be over cooked or fried, as over cooking or frying the nutritious food destroys all its nutrition. 

Target audience:- Youths

Target Geographical area:- Metro cities as people due to heavy work pressure are unable to care about their health
 PLATEFORM:-  to prepare a blog Changes that new media will bring:-  People will get aware of the good food habits and balance diet.
A person should always take balance diet.

Balance diet  includes a diet full of all the nutrients in a balanced form. It includes carbohydrate, vitamins, proteins, calcium, fiber and even water, in a balanced form so that there is no deficiency of any mineral or nutrients in our body.
These are the few ways which may help us eat healthy food, healthy food makes us vigorous and impervious. It is very necessary to eat healthy and stay healthy in today’s world so as to keep on tasting the flavour of success.
Make slow but effective changes in your eating habits & change it over time.
If you are in habit of eating too much spicy,
 oily and unhealthy and junk food,
then you immediately need to change your
eating habit.
But instant change is not possible but it can
 also harm your body. So make slow changes
 in your diet intake.
This may not affect you and your taste too
much, and over time,
 you’ll even notice changes in
 your eating habits.
Avoid sweet dishes , Avoid calories
If you are fond of sweet dishes, try to reduce the amount or portion or sizes and not eating them as often. Sweet dishes are not so unhealthy, but now a days,
 taking too much of sugar in your diet too often may increase calories in your body, which may harm you, so prefer less sweet and home made sweet dish, consisting calories in less amount.
Eat as much fresh fruits and salad
Fruits and vegetables are always healthy. It always keeps us fit
and also improves our immune system , hence it gives energy
to our body to fight from diseases. Eating fruits and salad also
 improves our digestive system and doesn’t allows our body to
 gain unnecessary cholesterol and carbohydrate. It makes us fit
and healthy and not fat and obese.
Take light Breakfast
Never take heavy and oily breakfast, make it light and
 full of vegetables and fruits.  A healthy breakfast can
 jumpstart your metabolism. But eating junk food or
buttery food may harm you. Your breakfast should
possibly include some sprouts, fruits, fresh fruit juice,
a glass of milk or an egg (boiled).
Importance of fruits and vegetable:
Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and nutrient dense, which means they are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibres.
Including rainbow of fruits and vegetables in every meal, improves your diet habit. The brighter the colour of the better the nourishment. Deeply coloured fruits and vegetables contain higher concentrations of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants—and different colours provide different benefits, so eat a varieties of colourful fruits and vegetables.
 Broccoli, and Chinese cabbage are just a few of the options which are all packed with calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, and vitamins A, C, E, and K.
 Sweet vegetables
such as corn, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, onions, and squash are healthy and doesn’t even include harmful calories , they add healthy sweetness to your meals and reduce your cravings for other sweet dishes.

Fruit: Fruit is a tasty, satisfying way to fill up on fibre, vitamins, and antioxidants. Watery fruits such as water melon, also fulfills all the requirements of water in body, citric fruits such as oranges and grapes are rich source of vitamin c, berries and apple are cancer-fighting and so on. Hence  fruits intake is one of the best way to eat healthy food.
Drinking milk and eating Pulses and non-vegetarian
Drinking milk may provide calcium to your body and hence will keep your bones strong. Milk is the best source of calcium, taking calcium in good amount may keep you away from any kind of savior bone injury or bone damage. On the other hand, Pulses are the source of protein. Protein helps the body to make new cell and tissues, it re-mends damaged tissues and cells. Protein and calcium intake is very much necessary for the body. Hence, including milk and pulses in diet is very much necessary.
Along with milk and pulses, non-vegetarian also contains protein. Eating a boiled egg with a glass of milk makes the breakfast complete and full of energy. Fish is the biggest source of protein. Chicken and mutton is also healthy if eaten in control i.e. one or max. two piece chicken or mutton four days a week as dinner.
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